Carrie Joy Schafer Krause
About Carrie
Carrie Joy Schafer Krause has lived on the Canadian Prairie her whole life. She loves kayaking, hiking in the mountains, camping with her family, and working in her garden. She loves listening to people’s stories of life, adventures, and experiences. These stories are powerful tools that can have a huge impact on others.
Carrie is a Mother, Nan, and retired Teacher who has loved reading stories and teaching children to read and write their own stories. These understandings captivate Carrie Schafer Krause both as a teacher and now as an author herself.
Belle’s Christmas Surprise is Carrie’s first book. A small story was shared when Carrie heard Eda Belle Larson, a community neighbor, share a Christmas memory at a Seniors Christmas community event. At the time, Eda Belle was a respected senior in the community. Carrie then shared the memory many times to school children and the learning from the story was remarkable! While teaching, Carrie noticed that there was little information and early learning materials for Canadian children on Canada’s Pioneers and felt this story was a good place to start!
Eda Belle Larson
We all have a story to tell.